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RME firmware updates: Fireface UFX, UCX, UC Babyface en Digicheck

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  • RME firmware updates: Fireface UFX, UCX, UC Babyface en Digicheck

    RME heeft verschillende firmware updates uitgebracht de laatste tijd. Het gaat onder meer om firmware updates voor de audio-interfaces, maar eveneens een update voor DigiCheck en TotalMix.

    Al deze nieuwe drivers zijn te downloaden via de RME-website, waardoor uw product wederom helemaal up to date is.

    Updates zijn er zowel voor Windows als Mac.

    RME Audio Download pagina

  • #2
    Verder is er nog een TotalMix FX Beta-versie:

    Included new features:

    Mac: re-written in Cocoa, OSC support (Mac 10.5x is no longer supported!)

    Windows: significantly reduced CPU load of graphics operations.

    Scroll location markers. Right click on 1/2 to save the current position.

    All and Submix view via the new Layout Preset panel.

    Extended command keys (Layout Presets, Record/Play/Stop with the UFX)

    enhanced OSC support (support for level meters, Record, Play, Stop, State saved ...)
    Basically this is the version developed for the upcoming HDSPe MADI FX card with its 390 channels. But the many performance improvements are nice for smaller systems as well.
    The new buttons and handling of the Layout Presets is self-explanatory, except for one thing: you have to go into the menu Options, Channel Layout dialog, and configure the hide function in there. This current state can then be stored on one of the 6 Layout Preset buttons. Go back to edit a different state and save it to a different button.
    To quickly edit the Channel layout: perform a right click on any channel and the Channel Layout dialog will pop up, with the current channel already selected. That speeds it up a lot. Remember: All hide stuff is saved within the Workspace, not the Snapshot!

    The preview version can be downloaded in the RME USB&FireWire forum.

